Advanced SEO Techniques

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Advanced SEO Techniques


Let us talk about advanced SEO techniques. Of course, they won’t make us achieve results suddenly, but they are techniques that work slowly but definitely, which certainly require. So let us see if this article can help you and explain advanced SEO techniques.

Usually, when we speak about SEO, we all know that meta titles are important, that content is king and that it is essential to have a sitemap of our website.

Add Schema.Org Markup

According to a Search metrics study, Schema markup is placed in more than a third of all Google search results.

Considering this considerable preference for Schema in Google’s search results pages (SERPs), one would think that all websites would be implementing it en masse. Well, the reality is that only around 0.4% of Internet domains are using the incorporation with

This supposes a competitive advantage that we cannot ignore. You can always move to a professional SEO mentor if you don’t know how to do it.

Fully Optimize Images and Videos

Another advanced SEO technique involves working and not belittling our images and videos. Of course, pictures and videos can enhance a site’s ability to engage users. But in addition, they can improve the site’s positioning in Image Search and average Search.

To improve them, we must take into consideration the following:

  • The size of the image must be appropriate to the resolution. The image file should be as small as possible to improve load time.
  • Always include the ‘alt’ tag.
  • Name the image appropriately using keywords.
  • Use quality images (you have to think about the users!).
  • Add to the image.
  • Use more efficient image formats, such as the web, in which Google is also involved.
  • We must do the same with the videos.

By following these tips, we will improve our positioning and add value to the user: we will increase our CTR, lower our bounce rate and increase the permanence time, which will cause a better positioning.

Create an Image Sitemap – Advanced SEO Techniques

Every SEO professional knows the importance of HTML and XML sitemaps. Although few sites have an image Sitemap, having one will help us a lot in positioning, especially in image search.

Regularly Review the Link Profile – Advanced SEO Techniques

The link profile you have today has a significant impact on SEO. And keep in mind that you have limited control over which sites link to you. So, for example, you can be a victim of a hostile SEO attack.

The control that you can exercise over your link profile would be in 3 ways:
Monitor it. With a certain regularity that you set, review the sites that link to you in Google Webmasters Tools. There are also payment tools that do this and warn you of possible risks, such as Ahrefs or Majestic.

Request the deletion of links from low authority sites or spam sites. Again, you would do this via emails to web admins. Submit a link disavow file to Google. This tool must be used cautiously because it could negatively affect your SEO.

Make the Site Secure

Seven years ago, in the summer of 2014, Google declared that the HTTPS protocol would be a positioning factor. Today this is no longer an advanced SEO technique, but it is basic SEO. Security is essential for users, and therefore it is also for Google.

Today the encryption of websites is a compulsion, although there are still some that are not. It is not only a ranking signal but also a signal to the user: it can affect CTR, bounce rates and dwell times.

Create URLs for Specific Keywords – Advanced SEO Techniques

Although Exact Match Domains (EMDs) are an ancient spam technique, what is certain is that Google still considers the URL a significant indication of the relevance of a page and, therefore, a ranking factor.

That is why if we want to rank for a long-tail keyword, we can create a specific landing page that uses that keyword in the URL.

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