Bad link

Bad link

Bad link is defined as the ones that violate Google spam policies. Google says that if the links are intended to manipulate the rankings in the Google search results, it will consider those links as spam.

Some links fall under these two categories:

  • Those links are potentially dangerous for your Website.
  • It’s a waste of time link.

What are the Different Types of Bad Links?

Paid links: If you buy links from different websites to improve your search engine ranking, you’re mistaken because it is against the guidelines of Google.

Reciprocal: When 2 websites link to each other excessively, this attempt is considered manipulation by search engines.

Low-quality directory links: When you submit your Website to low-quality and spam me directories, it will result in bad links and be considered manipulative by the Google search engine.

Irrelevant anchor text: When the anchor test is unrelated to the content it links to, it is considered a bad length or manipulation of Google search engine results.

Site-wide links: When a link on your Website appears in the header footer or sidebar of a page, it is considered spam and unnatural since it’s irrelevant.

Guest post spam: If someone posts low-quality content on your Website, keeping the intention to include backlinks will lead to bad links. You need to be careful and do proper research before letting someone guest post on your Website.

Well, these are some of the bad links that can affect your Website ranking, but in this article, let us discuss how we can avoid them on our Website.

How do Bad Link Hurt the Google Search Engine Ranking of a Website?

Search engines consider the volume of inbound links a good sign of a website’s value. Since the bad link issue is becoming more common, Google had to take action and protect the user experience.

The new algorithm was introduced in 2012 by Google, and its main aim was to make spammy links less effective. As of now, it is called the Penguin algorithm.

When Google finds bad links to your side, the Penguin algorithm gets to work and drops the value of your Website. And if the organic search ranking is lowered, then the traffic of your site will be decreased. And the worst thing that could happen is your Website could be entirely removed from search engine results.

How to Avoid Bad Links for Your Website?

Building a high-quality link profile for your Website is essential to help it rank better in search engine results and naturally bring the target audience to your business. When you focus on the quality of links rather than the quantity, you can quickly rank your Website in the search results.

Here are some of the tactics you need to avoid for bad links:

  • You don’t need to purchase links in bulk; if you do so, you might not drive traffic to your Website, not going to pop up on Google’s radar.
  • Suppose you place your business in low-quality directories. Or try to prioritize making money and do whatever is required for your Website. In that case, Google will notice this and penalize your Website.
  • Excessive swapping of links can seem a great marketing tactic, but Google considers this a manipulation.
  • It would help to remember that you don’t need to overuse popular keywords for backlinking. This is one of the significant mistakes professionals make, but this is also considered a manipulation.
  • Never post blog comments on blog articles so you can link your Website. This does not get you any traffic; it may affect your Website’s ranking.

How do you think you could remove Bad Link from the Website?

When your Website has low-quality bad links that you can remove, you can disavow them and ask Google to ignore them when ranking your web pages.

  • You can run a report to find the sources of the backlinks.
  • Then, could you review the report to see what links affect your Website ranking?
  • You can try to remove those links, but could you ask the owner to do so? It’s only successful some of the time.
  • If the above step fails, you can start disavowing the links.
  • Go to the tool that disavows links

Select the website property. Follow the tool instructions. When you disavow a link, it will appear in the link report but not considered by Google.


Bad links are something you need to avoid from the very beginning. They can harm your Website. And if you have bad links on your Website, you can use the above steps to prevent them by Google.

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