Competitive Link Research

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Competitive Link Research

Competitive Link Research


Competitive Link Research is the pillar of SEO strategy since you need proper link research to rank at the top. Competitive links will help you get a way in. Therefore, you need to know your website’s link profile and have an operative strategy to stay accurate against your competitors.

When you know who your competitors are, you have already won the half-war. However, if you don’t know, you can look for online tools to help you find your competitors. So now you may be thinking, why is there a need for competitive link research? Well, our answer to this is:

  • There may be different opportunities or errors in the competitors’ websites that you can try for your website.
  • Learning how others are performing and discovering different strategies that can help you.
  • You can learn about content strategy and make your content much better.
  • Learning about backlinks strategy.

Now let us learn how you do competitive link research. Please keep reading to learn more about strategies and try it yourself 🙂

Use the Right Tools for Competitive Link Research

There is a wide range of tools that are present online that you can use for competitive link research. Suppose, for example, Moz, Ahrefs, link research tools, Semrush and more. It is enough if you have access to one of them.

Now it depends on the SEO professionals that work for you. It also depends on your budget and the features that fit your requirements well. Our suggestions would be LRT or Moz, which provides better data.

Knowing your Competitors

You must know your competitors. Open Google and search the keyword you are using for your business. This will provide you with the SERP of your competitors. Your goal should be to appear as high as possible.

It would help if you considered this advice every time you look out for your business competitors. Use the incognito mode. Since searching for your business can be seen as you are probably spending time on your website, google can alter your ranking position.

Know your Keywords for Competitive Link Research

If you are carrying the competitive link research, then you need to then you should be conscious of the SEO process. This means you should be mindful of your business keywords.

On the other hand, if competitive link research is your first step in improving your SEO, use link research too. Some many ways and tools that will help you do that. One of the steps is mentioned below.

Discover Linking Domain through SERP Analysis
You need to discover linking domains that can help your website to grow. How to do it? You can use the tool Moz to help you find the most high-ranking domain you can link to. Once you have login into the Moz app, you will get the option of Keyword Research. Click on it. Enter the keyword in the bar you will find a link of competitive links.

Other few simple tips are:

  • Decide what your niche is.
  • Have a clear goal for your business.
  • List down the topics that are relevant to your industry or niche.
  • Remember, you have tons of tools for keyword research.
  • Use the long tail keywords since they are valued.

Content Audit for Competitive Link Research

Once everything above is done, you need to do a content audit. Again, you can use ahrefs to help you with a content audit. You can open Ahref. Then enter your competitor’s URL into a link checker. The tool will sort the content list from high to low depending on the number of shares and backlinks.

Do the same for your website every day so you can clearly understand what kind of content your audience is engaging with. And anything you are doing right or not. Never make guesses blindly. It won’t help. Start to make a change that will actually make a difference.

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