Content Curation

Content Curation

Content Curation


Content curation is where you take other brand or people’s content and share it on your social media platforms. Suppose, for example, sharing someone else social media post on your story or someone else’s blog link.

But this is not just it; there is so much more to content curation. And your work as a content curator is to share good content with your audience. So let us learn more about content curation in this article.

How to Practice Content Curation?

Since we can say that you need to put all your mental efforts into practising content curation, you still need strategies. But we will speak about some of the strategies in this article. So let us quickly dive into them.

Get to Know your Audience

In any business industry, you get this mandatory part of your work. But first, you need to know your audience. It is more than necessary. So to know this, you need to ask questions to yourself. Like

How is this solution accurate to your client’s problem?
Are you fulfilling their needs and demands?
How this post or content is helping your target audience?

And this point, especially for content curation cases: Is it worth it? Is it related to my niche? Can I share this link or post/ Can I flip it and intersphere it into my social media content?

And if you cannot even a single question from the above, you need to rethink your content strategy and efforts. We mean to start from the beginning. What if someone else what to share your content? Would you not feel it should be worth sharing or what strategies have you put in so they want to share your content?

Plan your Content Curation Schedule

Obviously, you are curating content to save time. And to get extra benefits! Imagine if you have planned your curation. How much more time? This keeps your time and helps you work calmly, allowing you to fill gaps if left anywhere. You know what we mean!

You can find many tools available online that can help you schedule your content curation in advance, and some tools have features to tell you what time will be best to share.

Credit the Sources

Always give credit. Always tag and appreciate the creator; never pass the curated content to yourself. Plagiarism is not for your brand. Just tag the creators using @ on the social media that allows this, for example, Instagram.

And if you are sharing a compilation of different sources, give a brief preview of all the creators. Make sure to credit them all.

Include your Thoughts

Don’t share everything. Try to put some of your thoughts into it. Try adding something unique and different before you share everything. Please don’t make it too long. Just a short sentence can be enough to make an impact.

Or create images related to quotes you want to share and make them visually attractive and eye catchy. Just do something for your audience. Not down things they look for most. Work on it.

Bid a Right Content Mix

pad out your social calendar by mixing different content, including your curated content. Don’t worry about overwhelming your original content. Instead, share the post more than you create. A ratio should be around 60-40. 60% Curated content and 40% original content.

But 40% of original content should be authentic, high quality, actionable and accurate. The original content you create attracts users, and curated content will keep them on your page.

Content Curation Tools

The below mentioned are the top tools for content curation:

  • Google News Alert
  • Talkwalker
  • Content Gems
  • Curate by UpContent
  • Filter8
  • TrendSpottr

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