What is Content Marketing ROI?

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Content Marketing ROI

What is Content Marketing ROI?


Content marketing ROI is the percentage that will show you how much revenue you have gained from content marketing than how much you have invested.

Therefore, it is one of the critical measures of how successful. ROI, an acronym for Return On Investment or return on investment, measures the profit or loss of each strategy used by a company in a given period.

A frequent challenge in the marketer’s life is proving the value of his work to his superiors and the market. However, in digital marketing, this mission has become much more manageable. After all, it is possible to measure almost all digital strategy results, and there is no shortage of tools to analyze the most critical metrics.

Before we talk about the reasons for applying this formula, let’s understand the ROI of content marketing. But you cannot consider only money as your success in content marketing. The other things that also matter are page views, shares and visitors engaging in your content. Then if this does not happen, you will have less revenue.

To see a clear picture of your content marketing ROI, it is necessary to consider which content marketing metrics matter. Let us see a few of them in this article.

How to Measure Content Marketing ROI?

For easy understanding, We will cut down the calculation into four easy steps:
The first and most crucial step is calculating the amount of money you have spent to develop your content, including the pay of employees and other assets you have invested in, like creating an image or videos, etc. Also include the cost of tools and special software you used to create your content.

Then calculate the cost you need to promote your content, including social advertising, PPC advertising, and promotions through other channels. Steps 1 and 2 are pretty similar. You will get the overall idea of your investment.

Now let us look at revenue. Your work will generate more revenue if your content is good enough and gets leads. In the end, if you see the overall calculation, you know how much you have invested and how much revenue you have generated.

Now here you have a clear picture of your investment. The final step is to calculate ROI. You have to use a formula to convince and convert. That is the return minus invested, divided by investment, then multiplied by 100. You will get the result in the percentage.

Let us give you an example of the calculation of the ROI. Suppose you have invested 1000$ on your content. The revenue you generated is $3000. So 3000 (Return) – 1000 (Investment) = 2000$
2000/1000 = 2*100 = 200% (The ROI is 200%)

This indicator aims to understand which investment types are worthwhile and which need to be optimized or suspended. Additionally, this metric helps managers make informed decisions.

Other Things to Keep in Mind

Instead of tracking everything in your content marketing, divide the steps into simple parts and keep monitoring them. So without breaking your head, you get your overall results.

The other things you should keep in mind are if you write a long pillar content to attract links to your sites and boost your search engine results, set precise goals for what you want for every content you create. Then you can keep exact track of your search engine results and the backlinks you are getting on your articles.

In future, if you plan to have a social media campaign to create a buzz around about your service or product, then track the authority metrics like set goals, plan and track a few chosen essential metrics step by step. And also follow the exposure.

Difficulties in ROI

When deciding to measure the ROI of a company’s digital marketing, the result obtained can be pretty ambiguous. With so many strategies and methods available, how can a manager identify what brings better or worse results?

Therefore, the ROI calculation needs to be a bit more detailed. In this case, measuring the return on investment of email marketing, social networks, SEO, and inbound marketing is possible.

Speaking of content marketing, measuring your ROI means evaluating the strategy’s impact on the company’s income.

Although generating sales is not the main focus of this method, you need to develop some financial return. Therefore, it cannot be just another cost within digital marketing.

More objectively, ROI can show if your blog is successful, if the leads from this channel convert into customers, and if content marketing is cheaper than other types of marketing.

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