Free YouTube Advertising

Free YouTube Advertising

Free YouTube Advertising


Free YouTube advertising: YouTube is the best platform to tell people about business, get more views and go viral with little or no investment since YouTube is the 2nd most visited platform on the internet. An individual tends to spend more than 15 hours per week.

Below we are going to some of the strategies that can help your video maximize the views and go viral. Even if you have just started, these tactics will help you. Try to follow every single method to get the most out of it. Let us quickly dive into it.

Keep Titles Highly Engaging

Any platform you work on it is all about presentation. And when we talk about titles, they can make or even break the performance of your video. So before you write a title, you need to think that you craft it to grab the public’s attention.

Anyone, before they click on a video, read the title. So they can know if it is entertaining or not. And the optimal length of the title should be around 70 characters. You can also use tools to get YouTube friendly and great titles.

Improve Videos for Visibility for Free YouTube Advertising

Since we know YouTube is 2nd most significant search on the internet globally. It is the same as people searching for products and needing problems solved via Google. So now you think about YouTube videos as another piece of content that needs to be optimized in terms of keywords, titles and more.

To improve the visibility of your videos, you need to follow YouTube SEO:

Title Tags and Descriptions
Even for YouTube, you need to use target keywords in your titles and descriptions. You can use Ahref or SEMrush to get trendy keywords related to your niche and mention those in your videos.

As for blogs and articles, Google uses clicks and the number of visitors to determine where they rank in search results, and YouTube uses likes, views and comments to determine where the video ranks in search results.

You can include tags to your videos to give YouTube more framework for your content. You can add as many tags as possible, so don’t be shy. Go ahead:)

How can I forget this? It is imperative to help YouTube understand who is showing on your channel.

Tip: Don’t overstuff your video with keywords. Just like SEO with your website, even for YouTube, it comes under black hat SEO. Use keywords that make sense. That’s it!

Find Out what your Audience Wants for Free YouTube Advertising

Before creating any content, you must first find out what type of audience you are targeting. No matter whether you are writing an article or creating a video. Start by getting to know your audience, then create content they love.

If you have just started your channel, look at your competitors or people working in the same industry as yours to get an idea. See which videos of them get more views and more engagements. This will give you an idea about what your audience likes more.

Another thing you can do is if you have already uploaded some videos. Then, you can see your Youtube analytics, which will give you detailed data about your audience location, demographics, engagement and other helpful statistics.

Customize your Thumbnail for Free YouTube Advertising

This is one of the most effective tactics of all when it comes to YouTube. This is like a punch to grab a viewer’s attention. Of course, YouTube can screenshot the image from your video and keep it as a thumbnail, but sometimes it can be blurry or not a good picture.

It would help if you created thumbnails by yourself. However, it gives a glance of professionalism when you do it yourself. You can create thumbnails using different tools and use various designs and templates. One of the tools we suggest is Canva.

Collaborate with Other YouTubers and Creators for Free YouTube Advertising

This is one of the tactics that many YouTubers use to get more views and engagement. Every single collaboration you do gives you exposure to a new audience. And there are chances that those new audiences can subscribe to your channel since you have collaborated with the Creator in whom they already put their trust.

It would be best if you found the right partner to collaborate with. In addition, it would help if you found people who are similar niche as yours so that your videos look authentic to the audience.

Additional Tips

  • After publishing your video on YouTube, you can put the link on every social media platform you are on to get more and more views.
  • This is not a free YouTube advertising tip, but you can use this in future and run a giveaway contest, so people are encouraged to subscribe to your channel.
  • Create a playlist, so the content on your channel is organized. For example, the more videos you upload, the more it won’t be self-explanatory for people. So creating a playlist can help them easily navigate.

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