WordPress Tags

WordPress Tags

WordPress Tags

WordPress tags are similar to keywords. These tags are used to highlight a piece of specific information on the posts or pages. It will also help you to connect to multiple pieces of content with similar information. And these WordPress tags are placed under or on either side of the posts.

So if someone clicks on the tag, they will land on all the pages with the same tags. WordPress tags provide a useful way to classify and organize your content, making it easier for visitors to navigate your site and discover related posts.

How to Use WordPress Tags?

It is straightforward to use a WordPress Tag. Let us look at the steps you need to follow to use a wordpress tag:

  • First, open the wordpress dashboard and click the “Posts” option. Under that, you will see “New Post” Click on it.
  • Then on the right side, there is a sidebar under that click “Tags” bar.
  • Enter all the tags you want to mention on your website or those related to your niche.

Before your posts go live, check all the tags you have mentioned. So you can add up any tags if it not related to content you have just posted. And if you have no idea what tags you need to post, you can check the most used wordpress tags. That will give you an idea, or you can use that too.

Tags do not add any important value to your website but will help visitors land on pages with similar content. And it will help your visitors find the relevant content in a few seconds. You can add as many tags as on your website to make it more organized.

WordPress Tags vs. Meta Tags

WordPress tags will help visitors land on pages with similar content. And it will help your visitors find the relevant content in a few seconds. You add wordpress tags to your website to make it more organized. It keeps information on posts with similar details.

And Meta Tags document and provide encrypted information to browsers and search engines about a web page. The metadata is invisible to the user and is responsible for adding data to facilitate the analysis of HTML files and the management of the content of a web page. These meta tags basically contain information about your entire website.

Since we know that the search engine will determine your website’s trustworthiness and relevancy with the help of meta tags, but when you use meta tags, ranking on the search results page is more successful.

WordPress Tags vs. Categories

  1. WordPress tags do not have a hierarchy structure, and they have standalone keywords. At the same time, categories have a hierarchy structure.
  2. WordPress tags are optional. If you want to select them for your posts, you can do it, but whereas categories, you must categorize your posts.
  3. Tags are mostly used to create lists that practically represent popular tags. They also display related posts based on shared tags to help visitors find similar content easily.


In conclusion, WordPress tags are flexible in categorizing and organizing content with particular keywords or phrases. They offer a non-hierarchical tactic for categorization, allowing for a smaller and more detailed classification of posts. While categories offer a hierarchical structure for wider topics, tags offer specific labels that can be allotted to individual posts.

By using tags effectively, you can enhance the organization and discoverability of your content. Tags can create tag clouds, related post sections, and navigation menus, allowing visitors to explore related content easily. However, it is significant to use tags considerately, avoiding irrelevant tags that may dissolve the user experience or complicate search engines.

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