What is Title Tag?

What is Title Tag?

What is Title Tag?


The title tag is the element that specifies the titles/names of your page, content etc. You will find the title tag on the browser and SERP (Search Engine Results Page). It is essential to rank your page on google(SEO). Therefore, the title tag should be simple, creative and relevant to your page.

The title tag is significant because of two aspects. First, it helps SEO understand your website, which is people’s first impression. It is the first experience of the user. So make sure to write it relevant to your topic. And suppose your page ranks on google, there is less chance of visitors to click if the title is not so good.

Another reason to keep your title tag reasonable is that when your website is shared on another social network, it will determine what to display.

How to Write a Good Title Tag?

When you write a proper title, you tell Google what your page is about. So be transparent with it. Since the title tag is essential, it’s a ranking factor, here are some points to note while you write the title tag for the website or content:

Length of the Title Tag:

When you write the title, make sure to use proper words. It should be easy to understand, but remember that it should not be too lengthy. Also, try to avoid all letters in caps.

It should be relevant to your page, short and straightforward. If it’s too lengthy, google will not display it entirely on the screen, especially for mobile users. Instead, it will be cut in half.

Don’t Repeat Title for Every Page:

It means your title tags should be different and unique on every page. If you use duplicate titles for every page, there is a chance of decreased SEO, and also it will reduce the clicks.

Instead, be creative with the title tags. It will also display that the page’s content is also unique as the title. Continue to experiment with your title to increase user experience.

Put important Key phrases First:

It will allow the user to understand the base of the content since the title tag is the element that provides people information about your page. People usually read the first two words and move to the next this is why it is mentioned that it should be unique and appropriate.

Avoid Over-Optimizing Words:

Don’t use similar words in all the tags. If you keep stuffing useless words in the title tag, this will decrease the search engine and reduce clicks. Instead, list different keywords and then use them on separate pages. It will make it easier for you to write unique keywords for the content.

Write only relevant keywords in your title. Rest of the information you can mention in the meta description. Since it is the following thing, the user moves to after the title. So he will have an idea of your work.

Improves User Experience with Title Tag

The title tags increase the chances of high search engines and the number of visitors. So your priority should be to make them as creative as possible. And also the first interaction to increase the search engine with your website and increase visitors to the page. You can include your brand name in the end, so your brand is also focused on the title tags.


The title tag should be relevant to your topic or page. It increases the chances of ranking your page too. So make sure you write it smartly. But never forget the focused keyword since the user should know that he found what he was searching for. So the topic should be precise and mentioned first in the title tag, so the user will easily find what he is precisely searching for.

This article has cleared some points that can be kept in mind while you write your title tag. Follow each point to increase your search engine, get more visitors to your website, and increase your business.

Of course, since it is the top thing users see when searching for something on google and also the on-page SEO, which gives an idea about each page and what it is about. So make it very attractive and relevant.

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