Keyword Segmentation

Keyword Segmentation

Keyword Segmentation


Keyword segmentation will give you the proper page ranking that will guide you about where to invest the SEO and content resources. We all know that not every tactic can yield the same or better results, or maybe in the search, not all things are created equal or not every keyword you rank has value or every link you use is valuable.

We spend a lot of time thinking about rankings, especially at the domain level. Then we look at the website, figure out its domain authority, and measure whether a site will have easy or difficult search visibility.

In keyword segmentation, we segment keywords into different groups for website analysis. So to create these keyword segments, you can use tools that make it quick and easy. In addition, these tools will allow you to produce custom-made keyword segments. One of the powerful tools for keyword segmentation is STAT, which we will discuss in this article.

Upload the Keyword in the Tool

The initial step is to upload the keyword into the STAT. Next, you must subordinate your keyword data with a mapped URL. STAT can find the URL automatically that’s ranking for given keywords. So it should do it for you too. Once you see the data done, you are good to go.

Segmentation of Keywords into Relevant Group

The next step is to take the above list of keywords and segment them into relevant groups. For example, most eCommerce sites are segmented by product category (electronics, clothing, skincare, makeup etc.). You can segment many different variables. Classes, traffic, search volume, revenue, it is all on your table.
Data is viewed from the top viewed items to the lowest. That is given in the form of a percentage in the STAT tool.

Create Segment at Scale – Keyword Segmentation

Suppose, for example, you work on an eCommerce website. Just creating segments alone might make a week’s work worthwhile. However, creating meaningful worth groups seems monumental if you create keyword segments for 10,000+ keywords.

With the help of breadcrumbs’ internal links, many eCommerce sites have already properly taxonomized website pages. These internal breadcrumb links will do the categorization for you. Then all you need to do is extract the breadcrumbs from your website and associate them with the keywords you want to segment.

Since these breadcrumbs categorized your site categories automatically, you can use the same category for STAT segments. Now you are maybe thinking, why like this? The goal here is to create keyword segments based on the naming conventions of your website breadcrumbs.

Then it would help if you got the spreadsheet to where each URL is associated with proper categories. This is controlling to have breadcrumbs for each URL. Moreover, to upload this, you need to associate each breadcrumb at the keyword level.

Re-upload the Keywords with Associated Tags

In the new CSV file, you should have a list of all your keywords in one column and the tags in another. It would help if you used STAT for bulk upload. Re-upload this keyword to STAT to import the new titles to the database.

The STAT has another feature, and if you have already tracked the keywords for a while now, then you can use their powerful feature called as Backfill feature. It will swift the STAT to show the history of your data and all the tags you have already added, so you don’t need to wait to collect new data. We recommend you follow this step if you already have ranking data for the keywords in your tags.

Analyze all the Ranking by Categories – Keyword Segmentation

Since all the data is adequately imported and segmented in STAT, the next step will be to analyze how the products category performs compared to others. Therefore, one column should consist of types and add all the products you will investigate.

For the next column, label it as average ranks. Then you can calculate the average rankings of each product, which should be compared with the average page rank. Then create the third column, called Difference from Average rank.

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