Local Ranking

Local Ranking

Local Ranking


Local ranking? Refers to relevant local results that appear for people searching for businesses and places near their location. These are displayed in various places on Google Maps and Search.

Small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly concerned about appearing in local user searches. Mainly from mobile phones.

Why is it important to know how the Google algorithm works at the positioning level? On the one hand, it will force you to review and optimize your business’s current online presence; on the other hand, it will help you plan a local marketing strategy according to that operation.

How Does Google Determine Local Ranking?

Google’s algorithms may decide that a business further away from your location is more prospective to have what you are looking for than a closer business and therefore ranks it higher in local results.

From the company Google explain that local search results are based on three main factors that combine to help find the best search match:

It refers to how well a location matches what someone is looking for. Adding complete and thorough business information can help Google understand your business and reach the listing with relevant searches. For example, according to the business category in your Google listing.

How far away is each possible search result from the location term you use in a search bar? If a customer does not specify their location in their search, Google will calculate the distance based on what is known about their place.

It refers to how well-known a company is. Some places are more prominent in the real world, and search results try to imitate this in the local ranking. Prominence is also based on the information Google has about a business across the web (such as links, articles, and directories).

On the other hand, Google review score and count are factored into local search ranking: more positive reviews and ratings will likely improve a business’s local ranking.

Follow these Tips if Your Business does not Appear in Relevant Searches for Locals

Improve your information in Google My Business: provide complete and updated information about your premises with complete and accurate data about your business. In this way, the results are easier to match with the user’s specific search.

Verify your business locations: Verify your location(s) for a better chance of appearing on Google Maps correctly.

Update opening hours: These include different hours for holidays and special events. This lets your potential customers know when you’re available. And also, gives them the confidence that you’ll be open when they come to your location.

Manage and respond to reviews: Replying to reviews shows that you value your customers and the feedback they leave about your business. In addition, positive reviews will improve visibility and increase the likelihood that a potential customer will visit your location.

Add photos: Show people your products and services. Therefore, images can show potential customers your business offers what they’re looking for.

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