Website Architecture

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Website Architecture

Website Architecture


Website architecture is defined as a method of structuring your website in such a way that users can find the information they are looking for quickly. It is the hierarchical structure of your website.

In other words, we describe this as how you group your content into proper themes. Website architecture strengthens your website’s users’ experience. It isn’t easy to shape your website and navigate your users. But it is not impossible.

Eventually, when your user experience is excellent, your search engine ranking also gets better. This also means people spend more time on your website and link to your pages, which will significantly impact your business revenue. In addition, it plays a vital role in boosting conversions.

We can represent website architecture as a tree graph. The home is the root, and the other pages linked to it are branches. For example, home is the root, and the branches are about blogs and services.

Importance of Website Architecture

As we have seen, giving structure to your website plays a significant role in having a great user experience. No matter how good your content sounds, users will not stay on your website for long if they cannot find it. So with good content, your website should have a structure which means building a tremendous website architecture. Both go hand in hand.

So having a good website structure:

  • It will help search engines efficiently crawl your website.
  • Increase conversions by making it easier for customers to find products.
  • It will help your page authority distribute equally, so nothing is left out.
  • Strengthens topical citation because of internal solid linking structure between similar topics.

How to Build a Strong Website Architecture?

Here are a few tips to keep your website structure great and give users a great experience when they visit your website. Let us now look at them what they are:

Make sure to Keep your Website Consistent:

Your website format, design patterns, links etc., should all follow a consistent way. Keeping all the things the same will keep your users to stay on your page for a more extended period of time. This will help your users move to the page they want, find the information quickly, and click on the links.

Keep your URL Simple and User Friendly:

The URL should be simple and understandable to the users. Making links complicated will make the users lose their interest and leave your page. But WordPress will create user-friendly URLs automatically. So you don’t have to worry about it.

Create a Top Level Navigation Menu

Don’t add too many items to the menu of your website. Keep it minimal. Then provide the content or information based on the menu. For example, if you have a topic like SEO content marketing, then if the users click on it should provide all the information about SEO content marketing, nothing other than that.

The navigation path to the home page should also be simple. You have to design so that users get everything quickly. Otherwise, they will land on your competitors’ websites. We don’t want that.

Website Architecture for SEO

It is more challenging to map the whole website than we imagine before building a website look into other websites on the internet to get ideas. Don’t just dump anything on your website. Keep it minimum, organized and straightforward.

Decide about the topic you are working on for your website. For example, if it is about fashion, keep your website all about fashion, or if it is about photography, keep it all about photography or any store.

Then organize everything in a way which is easy for users to find things quickly—your products, location etc.

Now when we talk about SEO. Google crawls indexable URLs on your website to determine your context. So if your website architecture is unorganized, the less context search engine has about your website purpose, and it won’t be easy to rank your website on google.

It is better to consider content organization and on-page optimization to keep your website architecture organized.

There should be consistency in your website with being structured. Apart from keeping it organized, keep changing things but before doing that, check your success metric before changing anything in your website.

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